Benchmark your business

Want to see how your business is performing against competitors?

Whether you’re running a bakery, an automotive repair service, a printing franchise or a dental practice, all small businesses can benefit from benchmarking information. It is a way that you can compare your business against other similar businesses to see how your performance ranks, giving you a clear picture of where improvements can be made.

The ATO has developed a mobile app that you can download here, which has performance data from 1.5 million small businesses across Australia, covering more than 100 different industries and up to 15 million turn over.

Using the benchmarking information, it will help you pinpoint the areas of your business that need your attention, to help you improve your performance, grow your business and potentially increase profits!

Benchmarking looks at a number of categories including (but not limited to) turnover, total sales, profits, expenses, advertising, rent costs and staff. The ATO’s methodology recognises that there are many sub groups within an industry and they often have diverse product lines so you can have confidence that the data applies to your specific sector or trade.

Interested in learning more about small business benchmarking?

Give us a call on 08 9240 7629. Taxpro also offers a FREE small business benchmarking report for your sector. Contact us today!