If you kept a record of all the unbillable time you spend on business admin and accounting tasks, how much does it cost you? And, how often does it eat into your personal time?

If you take into consideration all the extra hours you put in to invoice clients, pay suppliers, chase payments, process payroll, itemise your expenses, prepare your BAS, check and respond to emails, and keep up to date with all your industry news…… it can feel like a part-time unpaid job on top of a full-time job!

Help is at hand! We can help you implement time saving accounting software and also support you with a bookkeeping service that corresponds to your business size and sector.

We use MYOB – QuickBooks which is an easy online accounting software especially built for small businesses. It creates your invoices for you, helps you manage your expenses and report Single Touch Payroll to meet the ATO requirements and much more. We also advise our clients to use the Receipt Bank app, an online system that automatically converts your receipt into data masking it super easy for you to send your expenses information straight to us. You just have to take a photo and upload it.  The ATO can audit you at any time, and for any year within the last five years, so should you need to put your hand on a receipt to prove a deduction, it’s already in the system.

Safe and secure data

A very important factor is that by using Quickbooks your data is safe. It’s critical for us that your data is kept safe and secure. Its production equipment is housed in Intuit-operated and Amazon Web Services (AWS) data centres which have 24×7 physical security, full-time security guards, video surveillance, and alarms to prevent high-tech breaches. All of these data centres have uninterruptible power supplies and backup generators for use in case of a power outage and complex smoke and flood detection and fire suppression systems. In addition, your data is private and protected with password-protected login, multi-factor authentication, firewall-protected servers and state of the art encryption technology for data at rest and in transit. Everything is backed up and nothing can happen to your records without you or us (your accountant) knowing about it due to an ‘always-on’ activity log and audit trail.

Make time for yourself

Creating more time for yourself and your team will increase your productivity by giving you time to focus on building your business. Don’t let business admin distract you from doing what you love. Outsourcing it takes the pressure off and also you will be able to look at your business results from a different perspective.

For more information about our bookkeeping packages for any business please give us a call on 08 9240 7629, email us at admin@taxproaustralia.com.au or visit our website here