This week, it has been reported that over 2000 West Australians are being contacted by the Tax Practitioners Board after they used the services of an unauthorised tax agent. Unfortunately, it is stated that she has exposed her clients to penalties and unpaid taxes which they are liable to pay.

Firstly, there is no such thing as an unregistered tax accountant. Tax agents are required by law to be registered with the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB), and only then can they charge a fee to prepare and lodge a tax return.

An unscrupulous person may say they are a tax agent and offer a cheaper tax return fee, or promise a large refund, and it will seem like a good deal, however you will be liable for any mistakes they make. They won’t have the expertise and knowledge of the tax system that a registered tax agent has, and as a client you would not be offered any protection against penalties or a hefty tax bill.

Another red flag would be if they asked for your personal myGov log in details. A registered tax agent will not log into your personal account to do your tax return.

To ensure you are working with a registered tax agent, you can check the TPB website or ask to see their Certificate of Registration of Tax Agent.

You can be assured that all our tax accountants at Taxpro Australia are registered with the Tax Practitioners Board. If you have any questions, please get in touch on 08 9240 7629 or email