We are excited to share our new brand refresh which pulls together our Taxpro Mortgage and Finance division and Insurepro / Taxpro Insurance – into the ‘The Taxpro Group” brand family!

This has been a culmination of weeks of planning from the Taxpro team to better communicate that Taxpro Australia offers three distinct divisions under the ‘The Taxpro Group’ umbrella and they are all under one roof – both physically and figuratively!


taxpro chart

To visually identify each division, Taxpro Taxation and Accounting has retained the teal colour, Taxpro Mortgage and Finance is now defined in orange and Taxpro Insurance is blue.

Michael Gismondi, managing director at Taxpro Australia said: “A few months ago, we celebrated the expansion of our office space in Balcatta. It became apparent when we were discussing the outdoor signage that we needed a more cohesive visual identity, so customers, new and existing, were more aware that Taxpro Australia offered more than just taxes and bookkeeping services. Each division complements each other, and actually the communication of a mortgage broker, an insurance specialist and tax advice at the same time, gives customers a real advantage in finding the best solutions to their financial needs.”

“We wanted separate but complementary logos for each division, to reinforce that all these services are under one roof. It also gives us the design framework for brand extensions in the future.”

Watch out for our new signage coming soon!

If you would like to find out more about any of our services, please contact us on tel: 08 9240 7629 or email: admin@taxproaustralia.com.au